Mother Agriculture Complex
Mother Agriculture Complex


Agriculture Complex

آوان کتان مجتمع گردشگری مادرآیران مجتمع گردشگری مادرمسکن سازان مادربازار طلا و جواهرات مادربنکداری طلای مادرهاون مجتمع گردشگری مادرهتل مجموعه گردشگری مادرهایپر مارکت مجموعه گردشگری مادرمرکز اقساط مجموعه گردشگری مادرباشگاه مشتریان مجموعه گردشگری مادرفروشگاه نیلو مجموعه گردشگری مادر

Mother Agriculture Complex

The program includes the establishment of 9 agricultural departments under the title of 9 subsidiary companies, designed to prevent raw material sales and increase the added value of agricultural products. This complex is implemented in phases: Short-term (18 months): Establishing cold storage, sorting and packaging, an agricultural exhibition, and a production and processing unit. Medium and long-term (5 years): Completing the chain of processing and complementary agricultural industries. The ultimate goal of this complex is to become one of the top 3 centers for agricultural production, attraction, and export at the national level within the next 5 years.

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With up-to-date knowledge and experience, and by utilizing agricultural experts and specialists, we strive to enhance the region’s agricultural sector by providing programs and supporting farmers and agricultural producers. Our goal is to increase efficiency in this sector through management, raising farmers’ knowledge levels, and improving product standards to boost the market and advance our country’s reputation.


  • Education
  • Support for producers and farmers
  • Planning and providing appropriate cultivation models
  • Enhancing productivity of regional agricultural products
  • Environmental conservation and resource efficiency
  • Maximizing the use of regional agricultural and greenhouse potentials
  • Processing and promoting the culture of agricultural processing and conversion industries in the region


  • Ensuring food security
  • Preventing agricultural soil erosion and soil restoration
  • Water consumption efficiency
  • Increasing productivity in agricultural cultivation
  • Foreign currency revenue generation
  • Creating sustainable employment
  • Attracting international investments to the region
  • Expanding modern industries and technologies in the region
  • Necessity of establishment
لوگوی مجتمع گردشگری مادر

This conglomerate is a holding company consisting of several companies and dozens of businesses that each operate in a specialized field.

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Khuzestan - Dezful / Payam Avaran Boulevard, Afarinesh Intersection, Madar Recreational, Entertainment, and Accommodation Center



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